
We're on a mission to transform management practices from opinion-centric to data-driven

A picture may be worth a thousand words but a bar chart will need some explanation

The corporate world is populated by two distinct but equally powerful groups: the data nerds and the free-thinkers. Consider these your company’s left-brain and right-brain. You need both and they need each other but they speak different languages and rarely get together. In fact most of the time they frustrate each other so stay in their own lanes.

Image representing the different functions of right and left-brained employees
The Nerds

The nerds have an insatiable appetite for data and use it to work smarter but they’re often accused of over-complicating. They believe the answer to every question lies in the data …if we’d only listen to them.  Data is the foundation for their opinions.

The Free-Thinkers

The free-thinkers on the other hand are driven by experience, instinct and passion. They will happily use data to advance a position but won’t take time to poke around looking for new patterns. Just the thought of it will make their eyes glaze over.  They believe in themselves and their own instinct; and their opinions are shaped by life experience.

The world is shifting from opinion-centric to data-driven management practices but it’s not an easy transformation.  We’re all human.  We create mental shortcuts that allow us to quickly assess risk, judge intentions and craft our instincts.  But these very same skills that help us thrive as a species translate to suboptimal decision making at work.  Worse, they lead directly to operating on our unconscious biases. The unintended consequence of evolution!

It’s going to take the equivalent of hiding kale in your smoothie to make this transformation stick. That's why we created Pittari.

We’re on a mission to bridge the gap between your data nerds and free thinkers, releasing business value from data jail. We won’t stop until every manager operates with data-driven superpowers and doesn’t have to become an analyst in the process.

Today, we have an application that helps managers hire the best people and retain them for the long-term.

Swayne Hill